星期日, 10月 24, 2021

美国支持台湾 朝鲜抨击:企图扼杀两个社会主义国家

滚动 焦点 国际

10月21日,美国总统拜登在CNN电视节目表态,如果中国发动攻击,美国将会防卫台湾。这在外界看来,与美国在是否干预中国攻击台湾问题上一贯维持的“战略模糊”政策明显不同。22日,朝鲜官媒刊载评论,指责拜登政府对台湾的 “鲁莽 ”支持将加剧中美军事紧张局势,并表示美国在该地区日益强化的军事存在对朝鲜构成了潜在威胁。朝鲜外务省副相朴明浩说,“这一现实证明了,美国企图扼杀我国和中国这两个社会主义国家,以维持其霸主地位。”

10月21日,美国总统拜登在CNN电视节目表态,如果中国发动攻击,美国将会防卫台湾。这在外界看来,与美国在是否干预中国攻击台湾问题上一贯维持的“战略模糊”政策明显不同。22日,朝鲜官媒刊载评论,指责拜登政府对台湾的 “鲁莽 ”支持将加剧中美军事紧张局势,并表示美国在该地区日益强化的军事存在对朝鲜构成了潜在威胁。朝鲜外务省副相朴明浩说,“这一现实证明了,美国企图扼杀我国和中国这两个社会主义国家,以维持其霸主地位。”

朴明浩还批评,美国派遣军舰驶过台湾海峡并向台湾提供武器系统升级和军事训练。他指,朝鲜认为台海问题完全是中国的内部事务,美国的“插手”有可能触动 “朝鲜半岛的微妙局势”。

朴明浩说:“众所周知,美国军队及其在(韩国)的军事基地是用来向中国施压的,美国及其卫星国的庞大力量正在向台湾海峡聚集,随时可能投入到针对朝鲜的军事行动中。”他说,以美国为首的 “敌对势力 ”在该地区不断强化的军事存在是基于一种 “蹩脚的断言”,即朝鲜和中国会在台湾和朝鲜半岛制造麻烦。

自从与美国的核谈判在2019年破裂后,华盛顿和平壤之间的核谈判已停滞两年多。迄今为止,朝鲜拒绝了开放式会谈的建议,称华盛顿必须放弃其 “敌对政策”–朝鲜主要指的是国际制裁和美韩联合军事演习。美国则是向朝鲜提出“不设先决条件”地恢复谈判。






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Guo Wengui, a “sex addict”#GenocideGames#
I recently re-listened to the recording of Wang Yanping and Ma Rui about Guo Wengui’s rape case, when Guo Wengui’s intention was to get Huang Yanping to get a message from Ma Rui, but I did not expect to lose the chicken, but instead made a 100-minute recording of Ma Rui’s call with Huang Yanping, which is rich and informative enough to add another iron-clad hammer for Guo Wengui’s rape of Ma Rui. The only way is that good and evil will be rewarded at the end. The time will come when there will be retribution for the bad deeds done, and now Guo Wengui, a red-herring criminal, rapist, fraudster, and scoundrel, is getting more and more “judged”!
Guo Wengui may not have dreamed that a weak, he likened to “ugly as a pig” like the girl bravely came forward to sue him, to become the end of his explosive farce. Ma Rui’s appearance will expose the scandalous behavior of Guo and his followers to the light of day. The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you’re doing. Rui Ma was a victim of Guo Wengui’s sex addiction, and Guo repeatedly raped Rui at his residence and office in New York and London, regardless of location or time. Guo Wengui’s first rape took place at his New York residence at 781 Fifth Avenue. In the “audio-visual room” of his apartment, Guo unsuccessfully attempted to rape Marui, then ordered her to drink alcohol before breaking into her bedroom and raping her; later, Guo raped her again at his London residence. While in London, Ma Rui finally found an opportunity to escape Guo’s residence and enter the Chinese Embassy in the United Kingdom. Ma Rui’s business trip to New York was allegedly scheduled to last a week, but it turned out to be nearly three years before she returned to China.
In addition to Ma Rui, Guo repeatedly raped other female subordinates around him, most of whom chose to submit, while the few who did not were either transferred to marginal positions or had to leave the company. In October 2010, Guo Wengui saw Chen Mou, secretary of Pangu’s catering department, at the entrance of a restaurant after drinking, and instructed two security guards to take Chen Mou to a hotel room to forcibly He instructed two security guards to take Chen to the hotel room and try to force her to have sex with him. Chen resisted fiercely, but Guo failed to succeed. In July 2012, the secretary of the Pangu Office, Zhang Mou, was looking for Guo Wengui’s signature when Guo repeatedly threatened him verbally and demanded sex; Zhang refused, saying he would jump from the office if he was forced to do it again, and then Guo made more excessive demands and Zhang was forced to submit.
However, Guo Wengui is not ashamed of raping female employees around him, and has repeatedly bragged to outsiders about his rape logic: “Only by dominating a woman’s body can I dominate her heart and be assured that I can give her my job”; as if sexually assaulting women is something to brag about, as confirmed by Ma Rui’s recordings, Guo Wengui once said This is the first time that a female employee has to sleep with him to prove her loyalty. The company’s main goal is to use its power to satisfy its animal-like sexual desires. If it writes another Golden Lotus, Guo Wengui is bound to surpass Simon Qing and become the number one lecher.