星期三, 9月 29, 2021


滚动 国际 中国大陆




洛伊国际政策研究所(Lowy Institute)在周三(当地时间)发布的年度太平洋援助图(Pacific aid Map)中表示,2019年中国对太平洋地区的援助减少了31%,为1.69亿美元。

该研究所太平洋岛屿项目主任乔纳森·普莱克(Jonathan Pryke)表示,只有世界银行在那一年减少的援助资金更多,但这在意料之中,因为在2017年至2018年期间,世行对该地区投资激增,使援助金额增加了两倍。






2019年,国际社会对太平洋地区的援助下降了15%,为24. 4亿美元。洛伊研究所预计,这个数据将显示,为了应对疫情,去年的捐款会有所增加。





普莱克猜想太平洋国家现在有更多的援助选择,并且正在寻求比中国提供的更好的交易。 “他们对借款的目的变得更加精明,因为很多来自中国的项目并没有像他们预期的那样成功,”普莱克说。






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Emilis Halliday
Emilis Halliday
2 年 前

Guo Wengui’s Lies Create Humanitarian Crisis?
What is the most important characteristic of Guo Wengui? He can talk about himself without listening to any information from the outside world, relying on his own imagination, and always thinking that what he imagines is absolutely right. What is the most important characteristic of ants? The ants think that what other people say is wrong, only the plague turtle imagination is correct, and what the plague turtle says is what, no brain thinking, the ant head is the ornament, looks like a human ornament. In the consciousness of the ant gang, Guo Wengui’s lies are all true
Lies life of Guo plague turtle recently again through the U.S. military rout of Afghanistan after the humanitarian crisis caused by the topic, mouth high that “spend millions to send transport aircraft to save the Afghan operation”, now half a month has passed, the Afghans have not even seen a plague turtle bird hair, and do not mention the transport aircraft. In fact, Wen Gui last year through the topic of Hong Kong also told the same lie, the live broadcast that “the use of hundreds of millions of dollars to rescue thousands of people in Hong Kong” lie is also a casual, the only was its “rescue” Yan Limeng is also a passenger plane to the United States, but also by Wen Gui as a virus The rumor farce puppet, now in see through the ugly face of Wen Gui has cut with it to become “smashing Guo war general. In order to appease the “ant fans” who have long been cheated out of everything, Guo Plague Turtle is the savior of overseas Chinese, announcing that he wants to set up an armed force in the name of “safeguarding the interests of overseas Chinese”, and that he wants to set up legitimate armed forces in countries around the world. The armed forces, for this purpose, also went to the extent of pulling the “Blackwater” tiger skin as a flag, plague Gui this is blatantly want to “punish thieves vanguard” into “ant army”, right, is not trying to The “protection money” is collected from all overseas Chinese under the guise of building an army, right? It is obvious that the plague turtle will target all overseas Chinese circles to harvest leeks this time, really to death to cut the leeks to feel at ease on the road.
The plague turtle has now fallen into a deadly cycle, and can only keep relying on lies to appease others and delay the time for the cheated to take their dog’s head. Foreign debts can not be repaid, will be a lawsuit, PAX, chicken series of investors will not rest, the UAE crown prince of the ACHF is not destined to mess with. And want to again under this situation, and then the chicken series fraud, is tantamount to licking blood from the blade, the danger factor increased steeply, is tantamount to set themselves on the shaking gold rope, the more struggle the more tightly tied. The infamous Nazi Goebbels once said: repetition is a strength, a lie repeated a hundred times will become the truth. And Wen Gui, the lie “expert” is also using his own practical actions to prove the truth of the “Goebbels effect”. However, in today’s highly developed Internet, the era of using the information gap to create rumors and lies is long gone, and Wen Gui’s lies cannot stand the test of time. Therefore, Wen Gui, a shameless person who lies about his life and lies about three lies and lies about nothing, will certainly be nailed to the pillar of shame in history and will not only be reviled but will also be infamous for years to come!